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Are Corgis Hypoallergenic? What To Know

You know what they say: knowledge is power. And when it comes to allergies and pets, being informed is key.

So, let’s talk about corgis and whether or not they are hypoallergenic. If you’re considering bringing a Corgi into your home, it’s important to know that they are not a hypoallergenic breed. However, there are steps you can take to minimize allergic reactions.

In this article, we’ll explore what hypoallergenic means, what makes a dog hypoallergenic, and what to do if you’re allergic to corgis. Stay tuned to discover the facts and make an informed decision.

What Does Hypoallergenic Mean?

If you’re wondering what hypoallergenic means in relation to corgis, it refers to whether or not they are less likely to cause allergies. Hypoallergenic dogs are breeds that produce fewer allergens, such as dander, saliva, and urine, which are common allergens in dogs.

These allergens can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals, causing symptoms like sneezing, itching, and watery eyes. While corgis are not considered hypoallergenic, there are hypoallergenic dog breeds available for individuals with allergies. These breeds produce fewer allergens and may be a better option for allergy sufferers.

However, if you’re a corgi lover with allergies, there are still ways to manage your symptoms. Taking antihistamines can help relieve allergic reactions, and wearing a mask can protect against allergens in corgi fur. Alternatively, if corgis cause a severe allergic reaction, considering alternative pets that are hypoallergenic or less likely to cause allergies may be a better choice.

What Makes A Dog Hypoallergenic?

To understand what makes a dog hypoallergenic, you should consider factors such as its coat type, dander production, and saliva composition. Common allergens that can trigger allergic reactions in individuals include pet dander, saliva, and urine.

When it comes to allergies and pet ownership, it is important to note that even hypoallergenic dogs can still cause allergic reactions in some people. However, hypoallergenic dog breeds are typically associated with lower dander production and less shedding, making them a better choice for individuals with allergies.

These breeds often have hair instead of fur, which reduces the amount of allergens released into the environment. If owning a dog is not an option due to allergies, there are allergy-friendly pet alternatives such as fish, reptiles, or hypoallergenic cats that produce fewer allergens.

Managing allergies in dogs can involve regular grooming, keeping the living environment clean, and using air purifiers to reduce allergens.

Are Corgis Hypoallergenic?

When considering whether or not you can own a corgi without triggering allergies, it is important to understand their double coat type and shedding patterns. Corgis are not hypoallergenic dogs, meaning they can potentially cause allergies in sensitive individuals. Allergy symptoms can range from mild to severe and may include sneezing, coughing, itching, and watery eyes.

To prevent allergic reactions, it is recommended to take certain precautions. Wearing a mask can help protect against allergens in corgi fur, and taking antihistamines can relieve allergy symptoms. It is also advised to keep a distance from corgis, avoiding petting or cuddling them if you have allergies. If you have severe allergies, it may be best to avoid contact with corgis altogether.

Additionally, if you are prone to allergies, considering allergy-friendly dog breeds that are less likely to cause allergies could be a better option for you.

What Can Be Done If You’re Allergic to Corgis?

There are measures that can be taken if you’re allergic to corgis. While corgis are not hypoallergenic, there are ways to manage corgi allergies.

If you still want to have a dog but are allergic to corgis, you can consider allergy-friendly dog breeds. Some breeds, such as poodles and Bichon Frises, are known to be less likely to cause allergies.

Additionally, there are tips for living with corgis and allergies. Keeping a distance from corgis, not petting or cuddling them, and wearing a mask can help prevent allergic reactions. It is also important to keep your living space clean and free of corgi allergens.

There are allergen-free corgi products available, such as hypoallergenic shampoos and wipes, which can help reduce exposure to allergens.

If having a corgi is not feasible due to severe allergies, there are alternatives to consider, such as robotic or stuffed corgi toys that can provide companionship without triggering allergic reactions.

Are any corgis hypoallergenic?

Some dog breeds, like poodles and Bichon Frises, are considered to be less likely to cause allergies compared to corgis. While there are no corgis that are completely hypoallergenic, there are steps you can take to manage allergies if you are a corgi lover.

Regular grooming of your corgi can help reduce the amount of allergens in their fur. Brushing their coat frequently can help remove loose hair and dander, which are common triggers for allergies.

Additionally, keeping your living space clean and vacuumed can help minimize the presence of allergens. If you have allergies, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional to discuss allergy prevention measures and the use of antihistamines.

Remember, while corgis may not be completely hypoallergenic, with proper care and precautions, you can still enjoy the companionship of these adorable dogs.

Are Corgi Mixes Hypoallergenic?

Corgi mixes are not hypoallergenic, meaning they can potentially cause allergies in individuals who are sensitive to dog allergens. While it is true that some corgi mixes, such as those with poodle genetics, may shed less and have a different type of fur that could potentially reduce the risk of allergic reactions, it does not guarantee that they will not trigger allergies.

Allergens can still be present in the dander, saliva, and urine of these dogs, which can cause allergies in susceptible individuals. It is important to note that the term “hypoallergenic” does not mean that a dog breed is completely allergy-free, but rather that they are less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to other breeds.

Therefore, even though corgis are not hypoallergenic, individuals who have mild allergies may still be able to tolerate them, especially those corgi mixes that shed less. However, for those with severe dog allergies, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before bringing a corgi mix into their home.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Shedding

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are notorious for shedding, and their thick double coat is a major contributor to the amount of fur they shed. As a corgi owner, it is important to be prepared for the constant battle against corgi shedding. Regular brushing is crucial to minimize the amount of loose hair around the house.

The best way to tackle corgi shedding is to brush the coat at least once or twice a week, removing loose hair and preventing mats. Additionally, during shedding season, which typically occurs twice a year, more frequent brushing may be necessary to keep the fur under control. Investing in a high-quality brush designed for double-coated breeds can also make the grooming process more effective.

Despite their shedding, Pembroke Welsh Corgis are beloved pets for many due to their playful and affectionate nature. With the right care and attention, the shedding can be managed, and the joy of owning a Corgi far outweighs the inconvenience of dealing with shed fur.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi Shedding

If you’re looking for a dog that doesn’t shed much, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi may not be the breed for you. Corgis are known to be heavy shedders, and this includes the Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

They have a double coat that is designed to keep them warm in cold weather, and they shed all year round. Regular grooming and brushing is essential to keep their shedding under control, as it helps to remove loose hair and prevent matting. If you have a mixed Corgi such as a Corgi mix with a Poodle, you may have a dog that sheds less, as Poodles are known for being low shedders.

However, it is important to note that the shedding tendencies of a mixed Corgi can vary depending on the individual dog and the traits inherited from each parent breed. Overall, if you are considering a Cardigan Welsh Corgi or any Corgi mix, be prepared for regular grooming to manage their shedding.

What Can I Do if I Have a Reaction to My Corgi?

If you find yourself having an allergic reaction to your beloved corgi, there are a few things you can do to manage the situation. First, it’s important to determine if you are allergic to your dog or if something else is triggering your symptoms.

Consult with a healthcare professional to rule out other potential causes. If you are indeed allergic to your corgi, there are steps you can take to reduce your exposure to allergens. Regularly groom and brush your corgi to minimize the amount of dander in your home.

Consider seeking professional grooming services to ensure thorough removal of allergens. Additionally, investing in a high-quality air purifier can help remove allergens from the air. Some corgi owners have found relief by taking over-the-counter allergy medications or using allergy relieving products.

If your allergies are severe, you may need to explore rehoming options as a last resort, to ensure both your health and the well-being of your beloved corgi. Remember, it is essential to prioritize your health and seek the best solution for your allergies while still providing a loving home for your furry friend.

Can Dog Allergies Become Life Threatening?

Allergies are a common occurrence among humans, but what about dog allergies? Can they become life-threatening? The answer is yes. Like any other allergy, dog allergies can escalate to a severe level, posing a threat to a person’s life.

One specific breed that is known to trigger allergic reactions in individuals is the corgi. People with dog allergies may experience symptoms such as itching, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and even difficulty breathing when exposed to corgis or other breeds. In severe cases, an allergic reaction can lead to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention.

Anaphylaxis can cause symptoms like rapid drop in blood pressure, swelling of the throat, and difficulty breathing. Therefore, it is essential for individuals with dog allergies to take necessary precautions and avoid contact with dogs that trigger their allergies to prevent any life-threatening situations.


In conclusion, if you’re allergic to corgis, it’s important to be aware that they are not hypoallergenic dogs. However, don’t let that discourage you from interacting with these adorable pups!

By taking precautions such as wearing a mask, taking antihistamines, and practicing good hygiene, you can still enjoy the company of corgis.

It’s also crucial to keep a distance from corgis if you experience severe allergic reactions.

Remember, while corgis may not be hypoallergenic, with the right measures in place, you can still have a wonderful and safe experience with these lovable dogs.

Christo Mitov

Hi, my name’s Christo and I’ve had my Corgi, Benji for over three years. This blog is a collection of experiences and research I’ve done during that time to help other Corgi owners.