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How Much Do Corgis Shed?

Corgi’s shed year-round, but shed their undercoat twice a year during the spring and fall. During these seasonal changes, they may shed more and need more frequent grooming to remove loose fur.

While shedding is a natural process that helps regulate the dog’s coat and remove old or damaged hair. Excessive shedding can be a sign of underlying health problems or a lack of proper care.

Both Pembroke Welsh Corgis and Cardigan Welsh Corgis shed a lot due to their thick coats and being double-coated dogs.

Why Do Corgis Shed?

Corgis are basically walking, wagging fur factories, and most definitely a dog breed that sheds fur. They shed so much that you’ll find Corgi fur in every nook and cranny of your home. It’s on your clothes, in your bed, and even in your food (gross, we know).

But hey, at least you’ll never have to buy a new rug or couch again! Just vacuum up all that Corgi fluff and voila – brand new furniture!

But in all seriousness, all dogs shed to some extent. The amount of shedding can vary from one breed to another and even from one individual dog to another.

Corgis are a breed with a double coat which makes them heavy shedders. This double coat helps keep them warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather, but it also means they shed more than dogs with a single coat.

What Can Cause a Corgi to Shed More Than Normal?

Corgis are known for their thick double coats, which consist of a coarse outer layer and a soft undercoat. Shedding is a natural process for any dog breed, including corgis. However, certain factors can cause a corgi to shed more than normal. One of the main reasons is seasonal changes.

Corgis tend to have a heavy shed during the spring and fall months as they transition between their winter and summer coats. Another factor that can contribute to increased shedding is poor nutrition. A diet lacking in essential nutrients can affect the health of a corgi’s skin and coat, leading to excess shedding.

Additionally, stress and anxiety can trigger excessive shedding in corgis. Any sudden changes in their environment or routine, such as moving to a new house or being left alone for long periods, can cause a corgi to shed more than usual. Regular grooming and proper nutrition can help minimize shedding and maintain a healthy coat for a corgi.

Do Corgis Shed More During Certain Seasons?

Corgis are known for their adorable appearance, but one aspect of owning a corgi is dealing with their shedding. Corgis have a double coat, which means they have both an outer coat and a soft, insulating undercoat. As a result, corgis shed year-round.

However, there are certain times of the year when corgis will shed more. These shedding periods usually occur during the spring and fall, when their coat is transitioning between seasons.

During these times, corgis may experience increased shedding as they lose their winter coat and prepare for the warmer or cooler weather.

To manage corgi shedding, regular brushing is essential. Brushing helps remove loose fur and prevents it from accumulating all over your home. By brushing your corgi regularly, you can minimize the amount of fur they shed and keep their coat healthy and shiny.

When Do Corgis Start to Shed?

Corgis start to shed their coat as early as six months old. Like most double-coated breeds, corgis have a thick undercoat and longer guard hairs that make up their fur. Shedding is a natural process for corgis, and they typically have two major shedding seasons: one in the spring and one in the fall.

During these shedding seasons, corgis tend to shed more heavily to prepare for the change in weather. However, it is important to note that corgis shed daily to some extent throughout the year. Regular brushing can help manage the shedding and keep their coat healthy.

It is recommended to brush corgis at least once a week to remove loose hair and prevent matting. Additionally, maintaining a comfortable and warm environment for your corgi during the winter months can help minimize excessive shedding and keep them comfortable.


When it comes to corgi shedding, one crucial factor is to groom them on a daily basis. Brushing their coat with a shedding blade or slicker brush, bathing them with a shedding dog shampoo, and trimming their nails and paws. Regular grooming can help to remove loose fur and prevent it from accumulating on furniture and clothing.

One thing to look for is to make sure your dog is not stressed. Corgis shed (like all dogs) when they are not stimulated enough. If you need some ideas, check out our 5 Best Corgi Dog Toys which also help everything from your Corgi’s teeth to their brain!

Here are a few other things you can do to minimize shedding and keep your corgi’s coat healthy:

1. Diet

It’s time to talk about Corgi nutrition and how it affects their fabulous fur. You see, Corgis have a thick, double coat of fur that needs proper nutrition to stay healthy and shiny. A poor diet leads to dry, brittle fur that’s constantly shedding.

A diet rich in essential nutrients will restore the natural oils in the outer coat and soft undercoat which leads to less shedding.

And don’t forget about omega-3 fatty acids (we recommend looking into Fish Oil for Dogs)! These little guys can help reduce shedding and improve the overall condition of your corgi’s coat.

So if you want your Corgi to have the best fur in town, make sure you’re giving them a well-balanced dog food that meets all their nutritional needs. Trust me, it’ll be worth it for all that fluffy goodness.

2. Hydration

To keep shedding at a minimum, it is important to keep Corgis properly hydrated. Just like humans, proper hydration is essential for a Corgi’s overall health and well-being.

Corgis, with their thick double coats, are prone to shedding if their skin becomes dry and flaky. To prevent this, make sure your Corgi has access to clean water and pay attention to their water intake. Proper hydration helps keep the skin and fur moisturized, leading to less shedding.

3. Brush Teeth

Did you know that the state of a Corgi’s dental health can affect their shedding patterns? Poor dental hygiene can lead to issues like gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath, which can harm the health and appearance of their coat.

Gum disease, in particular, can cause inflammation and irritation in the gums, leading to excessive shedding. To keep shedding under control, make sure to practice good dental hygiene for your Corgi by giving them regular teeth cleanings.

Proper dental care is important for a Corgi’s health and well-being, and it can help their coat stay shiny and healthy. I recommend an enzymatic toothpaste like Petrodex. I found the flavors to be most appreciated by Benji and his teeth have been looking amazing.

4. Other Needs

While managing shedding is essential, it’s also vital to address your Corgi’s other health and wellness needs to ensure their overall well-being.

Since Corgis are double coated, their dog hair requires special attention, but don’t forget to consider their exercise and mental stimulation as well. Regular exercise is crucial for Corgis, as they’re an active and intelligent breed. Providing them with daily walks, playtime, and training sessions can help maintain their physical and mental health.


Overall, how much Corgis shed depends on a variety of factors. They are a breed that sheds fur and may require more frequent grooming during shedding season. Proper grooming and daily brushing can help to cut shedding and keep your corgi’s coat looking its best.


How can I tell if my Corgi’s shedding is normal or excessive?

To determine if your corgi’s shedding is normal or excessive, pay close attention to the amount and frequency of shedding, as well as any changes in your dog’s skin and coat.

If you notice increased shedding, bald spots, skin irritations, or your corgi appears to be more stressed than usual, these could be signs of excessive shedding.

Consider factors such as allergies, parasites, stress, hormonal changes, or underlying medical conditions like Cushing’s disease.

Maintain a regular grooming routine, provide a healthy diet, and consult with your vet if you’re concerned about your corgi’s shedding.

How do I identify and address potential allergies that may be causing increased shedding in my Corgi?

To identify and address potential allergies that may be causing increased shedding in your Corgi, start by observing any additional symptoms like itching, redness, or skin irritation.

Schedule a visit with your veterinarian, who can perform tests to pinpoint the specific allergens affecting your dog. Once the allergens are identified, you can work on eliminating or reducing your Corgi’s exposure to those allergens.

Your vet may also recommend medications or supplements, such as Native Pet’s Allergy Chicken Chews, to help manage your Corgi’s allergies and promote a healthier skin and coat.

Are there any particular health issues that Corgi owners should be aware of with shedding?

As a corgi owner, it’s essential to be aware of breed-specific health issues that may relate to shedding. While shedding is a natural process for corgis, excessive shedding can be caused by factors such as nutritional deficiencies, allergies, parasites, stress, and hormonal changes.

To manage your corgi’s shedding, make sure to groom them regularly, including daily brushing and bathing with a quality dog shampoo.

Feed them a healthy diet with proper nutrients, and consider adding supplements like Native Pet’s Omega Oil and Allergy Chicken Chews to support healthy skin and coat.

Stay informed about your corgi’s health and wellness needs by consulting reliable sources, and reach out to your veterinarian if you suspect any underlying issues causing excessive shedding.

Christo Mitov

Hi, my name’s Christo and I’ve had my Corgi, Benji for over three years. This blog is a collection of experiences and research I’ve done during that time to help other Corgi owners.