Corgis are classified as “docked” breeds, which means that they have their tails docked when they are puppies. The American Kennel Club consider this as part of the breed standard. This practice has been controversial for many years, as it is considered to be an unnecessary and inhumane procedure. However, it is still a common practice among breeders and is done for both cosmetic and practical reasons.
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Why are Corgi tails docked?
The most common reason for tail docking is for cosmetic purposes, as many people believe that a docked tail looks more aesthetically pleasing. However, this is a matter of personal preference and many people find natural tails to be more attractive. In addition, tail docking is also done for practical reasons. For example, in the past, farmers would dock the tails of their working dogs to prevent them from getting caught in bushes or other obstacles while they were working.
Cardigan Welsh Corgis vs Pembroke Welsh Corgis
Typically, Cardigan Welsh Corgis known for having full length tails that are typically not docked. This is usually a fox-like fluffy tail. On the other hand, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is typically born with a short tail, which is often docked, or surgically removed, when they are still puppies.

The legality of Corgi tail docking
While tail docking is still a common practice, there are many countries where it is now illegal. In the United States, tail docking is not illegal, but it is not considered to be a necessary procedure. Many veterinarians and animal welfare organizations advise against tail docking, as it is considered to be an unnecessary and inhumane procedure.
Despite the controversy surrounding tail docking, many corgi owners choose to adopt corgis with docked tails. While some people may not like the appearance of a docked tail, it is important to remember that a corgi’s tail is just one small part of their overall appearance and personality. Corgis are known for being friendly, loyal and loving dogs, and their tails do not change this.
Is it Humane To Dock Corgi Tails?
The practice of tail docking in corgis, or any breed for that matter, has been a topic of debate among dog owners and veterinarians. Some argue that docking the corgi tail at a young age is necessary for their safety and well-being, as they are prone to injuries and infections due to their long, low-hanging tails. They believe that by removing the tail, the risk of these issues is significantly reduced.
On the other hand, opponents argue that tail docking is a cruel and unnecessary procedure that causes pain and suffering to the puppy. They believe that corgis have a natural and important function for their tails, including communication and balance.
Additionally, many countries and organizations have banned tail docking as it is considered inhumane. It is important to thoroughly weigh the pros and cons of this practice and consider alternative measures to ensure the corgi’s health and happiness without resorting to tail docking.
Are corgis with tails rare?
Corgis with tails are actually quite rare. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi, which is the breed most commonly associated with having no tail, is born with a naturally short tail or no tail at all. This is due to a genetic mutation that has been selectively bred for over generations. However, there are instances where Pembroke Welsh Corgis are born with a full tail or a naturally long tail.
These corgis are considered rare and are often referred to as “Cardigan-like” corgis, as the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is the other breed of corgi that does have a natural long tail. While the presence or absence of a tail does not affect the corgi’s personality or temperament, some breeders and enthusiasts prefer the traditional tailless look.
As a result, finding a corgi with a tail can be quite difficult, and they often come with a higher price tag due to their rarity. Nonetheless, corgis, tail or no tail, continue to be adored for their adorable appearance and playful nature.
What is a corgi with a tail called?
A corgi with a tail is simply called a corgi. While many people are used to seeing corgis without tails, known as Pembroke Welsh corgis, corgis with tails, known as Cardigan Welsh corgis, also exist.
The main difference between the two breeds, besides the tail, lies in their origins and certain physical characteristics. Both breeds are known for their short legs, long bodies, and adorable faces. Corgis are generally friendly, affectionate, and intelligent dogs that make excellent family pets. They are highly trainable and eager to please.
Corgis with tails have a slightly different appearance than those without tails, as the tail adds to their overall cuteness factor. However, whether a corgi has a tail or not, their spirited personality and lovable nature remain the same, making them a beloved breed among dog enthusiasts.
Bobtail Corgis
In some instances, Corgi puppies may be born with a bobtail where the tail is already short and naturally docked. These are considered to be naturally bobtailed Corgis and have a natural dock.
Does tail docking hurt?
Tail docking is considered to be a painful procedure for Corgis. Puppies are typically tail docked when they are just a few days old, at which point they are still very young and have not yet developed the ability to feel pain as adults do. However, it is still a surgical procedure that involves cutting and removing a part of the dog’s body, which can be painful and cause discomfort.
Tail docking process
The procedure is usually done without the use of anesthesia, which can cause pain and distress for the puppy. Some breeders and veterinarians may use a local anesthetic to numb the area, but it doesn’t always provide complete pain relief. After the procedure, puppies may experience pain, swelling, and bleeding at the site of the incision, which can be distressing for them.
In conclusion, Corgis are known for their short stature and long bodies, and one of their most distinctive features is their tails, or lack thereof. Corgis are classified as “docked” breeds, which means that their tails are surgically removed when they are puppies. This practice has been controversial for many years, as it is considered to be an unnecessary and inhumane procedure. However, it is still a common practice among breeders and is done for both cosmetic and practical reasons. Despite the controversy surrounding tail docking, many corgi owners choose to adopt corgis with docked tails.