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Corgi Training Guide: How to Train Your Corgi

Corgis make wonderful family pets, and training them is an important part of being responsible Corgi owners. Not only does it foster a strong bond between you and your pup, but it also keeps them healthy physically and mentally. 

Training your Corgi allows interaction with other animals and people in a safe manner. It’s important to take the time to properly train your Corgi, so their behaviors can be managed, and they can live a happy life. 

In this guide to training your Corgi, we’ll walk you through the basics of how to turn your pup into a well-behaved adult. We’ll emphasize positive reinforcement, provide tips on teaching basic commands, and offer advice on addressing more complex behaviors. 

By the end of this guide, you will be an expert in Corgi training – armed with the knowledge to raise a happy and healthy pup. So, let’s get started!

Why Training Your Corgi is Important? 

Training your new puppy is essential for safety, health, and good behavior. It teaches them to respond to commands, know their boundaries, interact appropriately with people and other animals and understand what you expect from them. Training will also help prevent negative behaviors like excessive barking, biting or chewing furniture, or toileting in the wrong places. 

Learning basic obedience commands such as ‘sit,’ ‘stay,’ and ‘come’ will help keep your Corgi under control in different environments. A trained Corgi is also happier because it can reliably follow commands, thus pleasing its owners. So don’t forget to train!

Are Corgis Hard To Train?

No, Corgis are actually easy to train. Corgis are intelligent and attentive, so training them isn’t hard. Consistent reinforcement of commands with treats or praise will ensure they understand the desired behavior. 

They learn quickly, making it simple to progress from basic commands like ‘sit’ to more complex ones such as ‘leave it’ or ‘drop it.’ With patience and determination, your Corgi will be well-trained in no time.

Benefits of Training Corgis

Corgis are smart, loyal companions that need a structured environment. Training your Corgi brings plenty of advantages:

  • Improved relationship and communication between you and your pup. 
  • Easier to take them on walks and outings.
  • More obedient with commands like sit, stay, come, leave it, etc.
  • Physically and mentally stimulated through activities such as agility courses and obedience training.
  • Increased confidence interacting with unfamiliar people/pets in public.
  • Reduced potential for problem behaviors like barking, digging, or chewing furniture/clothing. 

Start Training Corgi Puppies (8-16 Weeks)

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Image Source: ElfinFox from Pixabay

Once you bring your Corgi puppy home, whether it be a Cardigan Welsh Corgi or Pembroke Welsh Corgi, it’s time to start training. In the early stages of puppyhood, they’re eager and open to learning new things. Start with simple commands teaching them basic behaviors that will help them adjust to their new home.

Socialize Your Corgi With Other Dogs & People

It is important to train your Pembroke Welsh Corgi to socialize with other dogs and people. Corgis are typically outgoing, friendly dogs that love interacting with others. You can begin teaching them how to behave in social situations from a young age. 

Here are some tips for introducing your new Corgi to other animals and humans: 

Attend puppy training classes: This will help your pup get used to being around other pups as well as learning basic obedience commands in a controlled environment. Classes can also provide an opportunity for them to practice their social skills, such as greeting new people without jumping on them or barking excessively.

Take walks: Taking regular walks with your pup is another great way of encouraging it to socialize with its surroundings. It will help them gain confidence as they become familiar with their surroundings and the people or dogs that may be around.

Introduce new people and animals slowly: When introducing your pup to someone else, whether it is another dog or person, do so in a gradual manner. Keep interactions light at first and allow your corgi to get comfortable with the other animal before allowing any more interaction.

Get Your Corgis Used to Grooming

Corgis have a double coat that needs regular brushing and maintenance to avoid shedding. It’s important to get them used to grooming from an early age, so they don’t become scared or anxious when it comes time for baths and nail trims. 

Start by introducing them to the process of being groomed using a soft brush, then progress as they become more familiar with the sensations. You can also give them treats during and after grooming sessions to reward good behavior during this training process.

Teach Your Corgi Basic Commands

Teaching your pup the basic commands will help them understand your set boundaries and build trust between you and your pup. Here are some of the most important basic commands you should teach your Corgi: 


Get your Corgi’s attention with their name and a treat. Hold the treat in front of their nose and gradually raise it over their head until they sit down. 

When they do, give them the reward and praise. Repeat this process to help your Corgi understand what you want when you say “sit.” Use a verbal cue and a hand signal with the treat to reinforce the behavior. 


Start by having your pup in a sitting position. Hold the treat in front of their nose and slowly move it up while saying “stand.” As they stand, give them the reward and praise. Repeat this until your Corgi understands what you want when you say “stand.”


Teaching your Corgi to “Come” when called is an essential obedience skill. It will prevent them from wandering off and keep them safe. 

To start training, choose a distraction-free environment, like a room in the house for full attention and focus. Make sure that coming to you is always rewarded with treats, verbal praise, or both!


With reward-based training, your Corgi can learn to obey the ‘Down’ command. Stand in front of them with a treat and give the command while pointing towards them. As soon as they start to lower themselves onto the ground, offer an immediate reward and praise them for following instructions. 

You can also lightly touch their chest while they are in the down position and continue to offer verbal praise. With enough practice, they will soon be following your commands!

Potty Train Your Corgi

Potty training your Welsh Corgi is essential for their manners and bathroom habits. Follow these steps for successful potty training:

1. Establish a potty spot: Choose an accessible area of your yard for your pup to use as their designated potty area. This should be far away from the door so that they aren’t tempted to go inside when it’s time to do their business. 

2. Supervise potty breaks: Take your Corgi out to the designated potty spot frequently and reward them with treats or verbal praise when they go to the bathroom in that area

3. Consistency is key: Make sure you take your pup out at the same times each day, so they can establish a routine. This will help them understand when they should expect to go outside and do their business in the designated spot

With enough practice and reward-based training, your pup will soon be potty trained!

Teach Your Corgi to Play Fetch

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Image Source: ElfinFox from Pixabay

Playing fetch can be an enjoyable activity for both you and your pup. It’s a great way to help them build up their stamina, exercise their mind and body, and bond with you!

Start by teaching your Corgi the “Go Get It” command. Show them the object they will be retrieved, say “Go Get It,” and point towards the object. When they bring back the item, reward them with a treat or some verbal praise. You can also use a clicker for positive reinforcement!

Once your pup understands “Go Get It,” you can start playing fetch with other items like toys or sticks. Always give them a reward when they bring the item back to you. This will help them understand that retrieving items is a fun and rewarding activity!

Training a Young Corgi (6-12 months)

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Image Source: ElfinFox from Pixabay

At this stage of your Corgi’s life, it’s important to focus on reinforcing the basic commands you have already taught them. You can also start introducing them to more advanced commands and obedience skills.

Teach Your Corgi Advanced Commands

Now that your pup is a bit older, you can move on to teaching them advanced commands. This includes “Leave It,” “Drop It,” and “Wait.”

Leave It

The “Leave It” command teaches your pup to ignore and leave items that could be dangerous or inappropriate. To train this command, hold a treat in one hand and tell them “Leave It” while pointing to the item with the other. If they listen, reward them with a treat!

Drop It

The “Drop It” command teaches your pup to drop whatever is in its mouth when you say so. Start by introducing the command with a toy and rewarding them for dropping it. Then, move on to having them drop food items like treats or kibble.


Train your Corgi to stay with a few simple steps! Choose a quiet place with no distractions and have treats or toys on hand for positive reinforcement. Have them sit or stand in front of you and show the treat or toy. 

Say “Stay” as you move it away from them, gradually extending the time they need to remain in that spot before taking it back. If they break the position, don’t give them the treat; instead, move it further away and repeat “Stay” until they stay put. This will help your pup with self-control and impulse control! 


The “Heel” command teaches your pup to stay close to you as they walk with you. Start by attaching a short leash and having them stand beside you. As you take a few steps, say “Heel” and reward them if they stay at your side. With enough practice, they will follow the command perfectly!


Have your Corgi sit, then move a treat or toy above their head. When they reach up to get it and fall into the rollover position, give them a reward and say, “Good!” Practice until they understand the behavior, then add verbal commands like “roll over” as you raise the treat/toy.

High Five

Have your Corgi sit or stand, then hold up your hand with the palm facing outwards and say “high five.” Reward them with a treat when they touch your hand, repeating until they understand the command. Try adding variations like clapping instead of using your hand or slowly increasing the height of your hand to challenge them further. 

Teach Your Corgi How to Walk on a Leash

It’s important to teach your pup how to walk on a leash properly from an early age to prevent bad habits from forming


Image Source: ElfinFox from Pixabay

Introduce Your Corgi to a Collar and Leash: It’s essential to familiarize your pup with a collar or harness, as well as a leash, before venturing outdoors. Ensure the item fits them comfortably, selecting one of good quality that won’t irritate their skin or drag on the ground.

Begin Indoors: To start leash training, begin in a controlled environment such as indoors. Once your Corgi is comfortable walking around with the leash, you can move outside to an enclosed area free of distractions. 

Keep the Leash Relaxed: It’s important that the leash remains loose so they can wander and explore. Tugging can make your pup anxious and cause them to attempt breaking free from the lead.

Be Patient: Leash training takes patience and consistency – two things that all Corgis require during their training. Though they are smart, loyal, and eager-to-please pets, it’s important to stick with it in order to achieve the desired result. 

For Extra Help: If you find yourself having difficulty with leash training your Corgi, consult a professional trainer or consider taking a class. This will give you additional resources and help get your pup on its way to being a master at leash walking!

How Many Walks Do Corgis Need a Day?

Corgis need at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, with two or three walks split up throughout the day. Aim to give your Corgi one walk in the morning and one in the evening – if they need more activity, add a third walk during the middle of the day. 

Make sure to keep their routine consistent and use a strong, dependable leash. Additionally, look for calmer walking areas away from busy roads or lots of people. Give your Corgi the daily exercise they need to stay happy and healthy! 

Crate Train Your Corgi

Crate training is an excellent way to teach your Corgi obedience and housebreaking skills. It can help keep them safe when you’re away and provide a warm, cozy spot for resting or sleeping.

Choose a Suitable Crate 

When crate training your Corgi, it’s imperative to select the ideal size and style of the crate. Corgis are famously active dogs that need ample space to move around within their crates, so measure your pup from nose-tip to tail base and add two inches for an appropriate fit.

Introduce the Crate Gradually 

As you begin crate training your Corgi, take it slow and introduce the crate gradually. Encourage exploration of the crate, rewarding pup if they go near or in it. When they feel comfortable, start feeding meals inside and leaving treats as a treat. This will help create a positive sentiment towards the crate, making them more at ease spending time in it. 

To build up to longer stays, start with brief periods and increase the length gradually while praising the pup each step of the way. With patience and plenty of positive reinforcement, your pup’s experience with their new home can be a pleasant one!

Mealtimes in the Crate

Once your Corgi is used to being in the crate, start incorporating mealtimes. Place the food bowl inside and gently encourage the pup to enter. Stay near the crate and give plenty of praise when they go in, then gradually close the door while the pup eats. 

Make sure there’s enough room for them to move about comfortably and sufficient space between them and the door, so they don’t feel confined. Increase the amount of time that you keep the door shut until the pup is happy to eat with it closed for 10-15 minutes at a stretch.

Can Corgis Be Left Alone?

Corgis are known for being highly social and loving creatures, so it’s not recommended to leave them alone for extended periods of time. Corgis can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone too often or for too long, and this can lead to destructive behavior such as chewing furniture or barking incessantly. 

If you need to leave your Corgi alone, it is important to crate-train them first, so they feel safe and secure while you are away. Crate training will help your Corgi understand that their crate is their own personal space and a place where they can go when they feel anxious or scared. 

3. Training an Adult Corgi (1+ years)UOfYjSNnJwnAadOHzO8hSVJCr 1vY dhTv6N5kDUZEYj0E9LdVLhm 3s1zVzmbgANEh02bDmobsYQAGhc3tYGiRF1h9YxbEzDrvYvVr m CtUI nNGaoGkIebrq8XujMUpZRFg8FmF bRNsgymoJXuM

Image Source: ElfinFox from Pixabay

Now that your Corgi is an adult, it’s time to move on to more complex commands. Make sure to mix up long and short training sessions for your pup so they stay interested and engaged.

Note: Training an adult Corgi (purchased adult from a reputable breeder) can be more challenging than training a puppy, as the pup has already developed certain behaviors and habits But, with patience and commitment, you can teach them to obey commands. It may take time and effort, but it is definitely possible.

Teach Your Corgi Complex Commands

Teaching your Corgi breeds more complex commands can help them stay focused and engaged in their training. 


The “Heel” command teaches your pup to stay close to you as they walk with you. Start by attaching a short leash and having them stand beside you. As you take a few steps, say “Heel” and reward them if they stay at your side. With enough practice, they will follow the command perfectly!

Play dead

Teach your Corgi to play dead in a distraction-free environment. Start by having them lie down on their side and reward them with a treat when they do. Give the verbal cue “play dead” or “bang” while pointing at their body. 

As proficiency increases, gradually decrease rewards until your Corgi can stay in the position until released. Patience and repetition will be key to mastering this trick. 


Have your Corgi sit, then move a treat or toy above their head. When they reach up to get it and fall into the rollover position, give them a reward and say, “Good!” Practice until they understand the behavior, then add verbal commands like “roll over” as you raise the treat/toy.

High Five

Have your Corgi sit or stand, then hold up your hand with the palm facing outwards and say “high five.” Reward them with a treat when they touch your hand, repeating until they understand the command. Try adding variations like clapping instead of using your hand or slowly increasing the height of your hand to challenge them further. 

Get Your Corgi Involved Dog Sports

Dog sports like Trick Dogs and Diving Dogs allow dog owners to have fun and bond with their pets while teaching them valuable obedience skills. There are a variety of dog sports that your pup may enjoy, such as agility, rally obedience, or canine freestyle.

With time and practice, your Corgi can learn to master the obstacles in an agility course or precise movements required for rally obedience and canine freestyle.

Dog sports offer a great way to spend quality time with your pup while teaching them how to focus their high energy and attention on the task at hand. This can help build their confidence, as well as strengthen the bond between you and your Corgi.

Corgi Common Behavioral Problems and Solutions 

Even the most well-trained Corgi breeds can sometimes display bad behaviors. Common issues that Corgis may exhibit include barking, chewing, digging, and jumping. 


Biting is a common problem behavior among Corgis. If your pup engages in this behavior, it’s important to identify the underlying cause before implementing solutions. Anxiety and stress can be major triggers for aggressive biting in Corgis. 

Solution: To address this, provide your puppy with an alternative activity for when he starts feeling overly aroused. This could be as simple as redirecting his attention with a new toy or treat. Doing so will help your pup focus on something else and prevent him from continuing the unwanted behavior. 

Can Corgis Be Aggressive?

Yes, sadly. Many kinds of dogs, including Corgis, can suffer from aggression due to fear or frustration. However, this type of behavior can be managed with the right training and socialization techniques. It’s important to recognize potential signs and to work on establishing trust and respect between you and your pet. With a little effort and patience, you’ll be able to foster a healthy and happy relationship with your Corgi.


Chewing is another problematic behavior for Corgis. It can stem from boredom, teething in puppies, or simply seeking attention. 

Solution: To remedy this, keep your pup supplied with chew-safe toys and provide engaging activities like puzzle games and interactive toys to help keep them mentally stimulated.


Corgis, unfortunately, are known to bark more than other breeds. But, with the right training and patience, excessive barking can be managed. 

Solution: Start by determining what’s causing the barking—boredom or lack of attention? Or is it triggered by something or someone outside? Knowing this will help you customize a training plan for your pup. 

  • Establish rules and boundaries from the get-go and practice introducing one person at a time in short intervals so that Corgi slowly gets used to strangers coming into their space. 
  • Reward them for obeying commands like “no bark” or “quiet.”  With consistency and patience, your Corgi will learn to bark responsibly.


Corgis are naturally bouncy and may want to jump up when they get overly excited. 

Solution: Teaching the “sit” command and rewarding them for obeying it is a good way to break this behavior. Reinforce this by saying “sit” each time you pet your pup, and eventually, they’ll understand that sitting earns them attention, not jumping. 

Final Thoughts

Training a Corgi can be an incredibly rewarding experience. However, it is essential to give your pup the guidance and patience they need to learn how to behave properly. By understanding the cause of any problematic behaviors, you can address them with suitable training techniques and positive reinforcement. 

Through regular training sessions and consistency, even the most energetic Corgi puppies can learn to remain calm, obey commands and stop unwanted behaviors like biting or excessive barking. Establishing rules and boundaries for your pup is essential so that you can both enjoy quality time spent together over the years.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are Corgis Hard to House Train?

    Corgis are not difficult to house train. Create a schedule for potty breaks and reward your pup when they go outside. Immediately clean up messes inside, so they don’t associate indoors with rewards or praise. Be patient and consistent with your training methods, and success will come in time! 

  2. What Are the Cons Of a Corgi?

    Corgis are known for their loud bark, territorial tendencies, and energetic nature. They require lots of exercises and mental stimulation to keep them in check. Unfortunately, they’re also stubborn and independent, making them tricky to train. This makes owning a Corgi at times challenging but ultimately rewarding.

  3. Are Corgis Clingy Dogs?

    Absolutely! These loyal and social pups adore their owners, often seeking out cuddles and companionship. But if your Corgi is getting a bit too clingy, it could mean they need more exercise or mental stimulation to ease their anxiety.

  4. Are Corgis Stubborn Dogs?

    Yes, they can be. However, how stubborn depends on the individual dog. Corgis are determined and headstrong; without proper training, they can become set in their ways. To keep your Corgi from getting too obstinate, make sure to utilize positive reinforcement regularly. This will help ensure that your Corgi is obedient and responsive to your commands. 

  5. Are Corgis High Maintenance?

    It depends. These intelligent, active, and loyal dogs need lots of exercises and mental stimulation to stay content. Failing to provide this can lead to problem behaviors such as excessive barking or destruction of the yard. Proper guidance is essential if you want a happy, healthy dog. 

Dr. Mohsin Iqbal

Dr. Mohsin Iqbal (DVM, RVMP) is a registered veterinarian with five years of experience as a general practitioner of small animal medicine. He has a special interest in dogs and has worked with a wide variety of breeds, including Corgis, Labs, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Staffies.